Friday, April 15, 2011

Buns and Things

I just wanted to put this video out there, because the bun look is something that I am totally taking ownership of living in the city. With the amount of hair I have, travelling on the, oft sweltering and always encapsulated, tube can cause any number of problems.
- Overheating is number one. A list, I know, but, I am serious my hair runs amok and is an entity in its own right...
- The frizz factor. I am glad that some people are embracing this whole east london scruff thing, but I am trying not to concede.
- Lipstick, lipgloss, lip balm, no matter what is is lip product in addition to my face creates a magnetic pull only my hair can answer (happily just my hair so far...) I am not taking about a straggling strand gently attaching itself, I mean one wrong tilt of the head and a curtain slaps onto my freshly moistened lips for ride. This is maliciously encouraged by my mode of transport... a train from either direction does the trick.
- Overall, it is simply mayhem, the approaching trains catch my hair in a very unsexy, malicious windswept fashion, smothering nearby travellers and/ or suffocating me in the process.

Alright, this may have been a bit overzealous, but I have a serious relationship with my hair. I have finally gotten to a place where I no longer have a triangular nest perched atop my head, accenting the lack of definition of my rounded pre-teen jawline. Nor, have I recently bleached my hair with peroxide at an elementary school sleepover, and no, I am not pulling out the braided pigtail wrapped into my very own Princess Leia motif either. This particular post was to simply share my newfound love of the bun! I spent most of my teens with a freshly cleaned, sopping wet, head of hair yanked straight back, parallel with my ears, into a bun. In an attempt to re-create what I thought was the quintessential early 2000s 'messy bun' of rural Prince Edward Island. Lets just say this did not promote the drying process and this tightly wound ball would remain partially damp until I removed it in the evening- lovely, I know.

I could go on and on about this topic, I am sure that i could write a book about the saga of my hair... I may share a few more stories later, one involves a near death experience, but, today is all about the bun. Its necessity, and my newfound appreciation and more adult interpretation of it. 

Back to my original point, here are some screen caps from a Coco & Lowe video, they're Toronto-based bloggers that I just came across today (The Toronto factor also made me a little nostalgic as well, having gone to University there). 

This is my next hair 'to do'.
This is a SERIOUS bun, no messing around, they make a pantyhose doughnut stuffed with sock.
Finally, try this Enormous Bun! I plan on it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday News Day

Tuesday started off a little rocky, I had a terrible sleep and got started a little later than planned.

But then I was off to Regent Street to drop off a bunch of CVs which went alright but I don't know if I will be getting any calls- it seemed most stores I was interested in were not looking to hire, sadly. Though I did get to have a great chat with a display girl from Anthropologie- it made me really want a job even more. Working with clothes, displays and merch would be great to have and then an internship on top of it all.
I am hoping sooner rather than later as my besties arrive in just over two weeks. woo woo - but I am broke as a joke so it is a bit stressful.

Currently, I am watching the, so far, boringly acted story of The Kennedy's. Hoping it will soon improve as I am quite enamoured with the time period and the whole idea of the Kennedy family.

Tomorrow I am going to call up some contacts that I received last week for magazines and see if there is anything open at their publication and how to go about doing it. I am going to follow through with their advice and then I am off to drop off more resumes/ CVs and get some groceries.

All the best-