Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday Night Dins

Stuffed mushrooms, roasted potatoes, salad and lots of wine. 

My lovely roommate and surrogate sister Kat made us all a delicious meal. We were accompanied by our other roommate, and four more friends to enjoy these lovely concoctions. A very international bunch, from Canadian, to American, Dutch, Austrian, and French this fact made the post-cheesecake game of Ring of fire particularly difficult (ex. card 10 'Cat- egg- urry' and card 9 'rhyming'). 

This lovely evening was followed by a sleepover including horrible youtube videos, more wine, and then my bed and box spring were quickly found in the conservatory as I excused myself to go to the washroom. Soon enough we crashed off our £2.99 bottles of wine.

In the am we strolled like a crew of ragamuffins off to the Goldsmiths Café for a traditional English breakfast fry-up. I wish that I had taken a photo to truly convey the state that we were in cropped pants, track jackets and borrowed pink pajamas were involved. 

Now I am off to do some job applications that I have promised myself that I will apply to 22 fashion jobs today. Also, I am speaking to mama tonight so this need to be done before we meet. 


I'd like to leave you with this thought, Men styling their hair slicked to the side. David Beckham had this lovely 'do hidden under a loose beanie, paired with the tattoos and khakis it just makes me so pleased. (

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